Are You Brave Enough to Say Goodbye?

Have you ever stayed at a job, in a relationship, or in a situation longer than you should have?

Sometimes we stay out of fear of failure, fear of the unknown, false loyalty, false obligation, guilt, pride, or you name it.

I feel about twenty pounds lighter physically, mentally and emotionally because I finally let go of something I needed to say GOODBYE to a long time ago.

The thing I held on to was not necessarily bad, but it wasn’t good for my life at this time.

Sometimes the thing God has for us is being held back because we won’t move some things out of our lives.

When we are brave enough to say GOODBYE, life greets us with a new HELLO! ~Paulo Coelho

You will never know what’s waiting on the other side until you say GOODBYE to some people, places and things.

For me, on the other side of GOODBYE was peace, joy, more time with my family and more time for some things I know God has called me to do.

If you are holding on to something you know in your heart that you need to let go of, I pray that you find the strength and the courage to say GOODBYE and walk away!

Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase. ~ Martin Luther King Jr.

What “HELLO” is waiting for you to have the faith to finally say “GOODBYE“?

Have a blessed day and remember to find the “jolly” in every “moment” life brings your way!

~ Keishawna

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5 thoughts on “Are You Brave Enough to Say Goodbye?

  1. Thanks for the encouragement today! Sometimes we go into default mode a.k.a our comfort zones without realizing how much better things are outside of the limited little boxes we’ve built for ourselves to operate out of. And it’s wonderfully liberating to burst out and live more on purpose the way God intended!

    Liked by 1 person

    • No worries about the proofreading. I’m just grateful you read it. I completely agree that we do sometimes hold on for comfort. You’re right about it being a weight. I actually thought of titling this, “Let Go of The Weights”. Thank you for commenting 😊.


  2. Mari Houston says:

    I think you’re so right. Often times we hold pin to things, people, or situations for comfort as well. But the baggage that vines with that false conver comfort Vann be debilitating…..Great job with your writing. Keep it coming. !!!!!!!😍😍😍

    Liked by 1 person

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