You’re Closer Than You Think You Are

Here’s the thing, I know it seems like it’s never coming or is never going to happen. But, you’re closer today than you were yesterday. If you give up now, you’ll NEVER get there.

Every time I hear the song, “Haven’t Seen It Yet,” by Danny Gokey I realize that nope, I’m not there yet, but I am closer than I was yesterday and even a year ago. And, if I keep moving forward I am going to get there.

You ARE going to get there! Wherever that “there” is for you.

This is not the time to stop. If you stop now, you’re NEVER going to make it.

If you keep moving forward, a year from now, you’ll thank God you didn’t give up today.

In essence, don’t lose hope. Don’t give up. Keep dreaming. Keep fighting. Keep believing. Keep moving forward.

Just because you haven’t seen it yet, does not mean it’s not coming. You’re closer than you think you are.

If you have not heard, “Haven’t Seen It Yet,” I encourage you to look it up. I pray it blesses you as much as it has blessed me.

Have a blessed day and remember to find the “jolly” in “moments” life brings your way!

~ Keishawna

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