Strength for Today and Hope for Tomorrow!

One thing I’ve realized in all the craziness and uncertainty brought about with the coronavirus is, I AM BLESSED!!

I’m not saying that to put myself above anyone. I’m saying it because no matter what I have ever gone through, God has ALWAYS seen me through it. If He’s done it before, I have the faith and confidence He’ll do it for me again.

And again.

And again.

I know there are some who have completely lost hope in the midst of this pandemic. I want you to know I’m praying for you.

I’m praying for the single mothers without childcare, the restaurant workers with no job to clock in at today, the father worried his child might not eat lunch because school is out, the family worried about their next rent payment….. I’m praying for you.

I pray that you have the strength, provision, and resources to make it through this day and that you never lose hope that there will be a better tomorrow.

Be Encouraged! We are stronger together! 💕



No matter what happens purpose to find the “Jolly” in “Moments” life brings your way today.

~Keishawna Jolivette 🦋

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