It’s A Matter of Trust!


TRUST in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5

When most people drive across a bridge, they do so without thinking about whether or not the bridge will support them. They just intuitively trust that it will.

They have successfully driven across so many times that they trust the bridge will not fail them.

Just as we travel across a bridge (that can fail us) without doubt that it will support us, we should travel through life without doubt, or fear, that God will support us.

God has a proven record of being faithful, loyal, dependable, and you fill in the blank. You can TRUST that He will not fail you and that He will support you, just as that bridge.

When life happens, remember all the times God has come through for you. If He didn’t fail you before, TRUST (have confident expectation) that this time is no different.

Prayer: “God, I don’t want to live on my own. I want to TRUST You. When I don’t know what to do, I’ll TRUST You. When I don’t understand why, I’ll TRUST You. I’ll do my part with Your help, and when I’m done, I’ll TRUST You to do the rest.” Joyce Meyer

Have a blessed day!

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12 thoughts on “It’s A Matter of Trust!

  1. This scripture means so much to me in so many ways. I love the way that you used the analogy of the bridge. SO many times in my life I have not trusted God, and So many times in my life have I fallen into depression. I was even diagnosed with PTSD, and until I started trusting God I never could heal. Now, I am here to talk about it and to be able to meet other followers of Christ. Thank you for this post! I think this scripture is one that should be read everyday! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • I know it must have been difficult dealing with PTSD and depression. However, I think it’s brave that you now share your story with others so they don’t have to go through the same thing. May God continue to keep you in perfect peace as you trust in Him!


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