You Made the Decision, Now Move On

A few years back my husband and I had to make a difficult decision regarding the care of someone very close to us. After we settled on what we felt was the best decision, we later wondered if we did the right thing.

During that time, someone told us, “never beat yourself up for making a decision that at the time you felt was the best decision”.

I sometimes repeat those words to reassure myself when doubt tries to creep in.

There were decisions I made even this past week that I later questioned. But, I told myself I made the best decision with the information I had in that moment.

After that, all I can do is trust God’s word that says, “ALL things work together for good to them that love God” Romans 8:28.

I can honestly say any decision I initially questioned, worked out on my behalf in the long run. Maybe not always the way I thought it would, but it worked out.

If you are beating yourself up over a decision you made, STOP!

It’s done.

Time to move on.

If it’s in your power to change the outcome, then do so. If not, focus your efforts, time and energy on what you can control. Trust God to handle the rest.

Have a blessed day and remember to find the “jolly” in every “moment” life brings your way!

~ Keishawna

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Are You Brave Enough to Say Goodbye?

Have you ever stayed at a job, in a relationship, or in a situation longer than you should have?

Sometimes we stay out of fear of failure, fear of the unknown, false loyalty, false obligation, guilt, pride, or you name it.

I feel about twenty pounds lighter physically, mentally and emotionally because I finally let go of something I needed to say GOODBYE to a long time ago.

The thing I held on to was not necessarily bad, but it wasn’t good for my life at this time.

Sometimes the thing God has for us is being held back because we won’t move some things out of our lives.

When we are brave enough to say GOODBYE, life greets us with a new HELLO! ~Paulo Coelho

You will never know what’s waiting on the other side until you say GOODBYE to some people, places and things.

For me, on the other side of GOODBYE was peace, joy, more time with my family and more time for some things I know God has called me to do.

If you are holding on to something you know in your heart that you need to let go of, I pray that you find the strength and the courage to say GOODBYE and walk away!

Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase. ~ Martin Luther King Jr.

What “HELLO” is waiting for you to have the faith to finally say “GOODBYE“?

Have a blessed day and remember to find the “jolly” in every “moment” life brings your way!

~ Keishawna

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“I Would Rather Try and Fail Than Fail to Try”

I know of a lady who for 29 years, said she was going to pursue a dream. Finally, right before the 30th year she found the courage to do it.

It didn’t turn out as big as she had imagined, but I’m proud of her that she finally did it.

What have you thought about doing, but have not done?

How long will you allow “This year,” to turn into “Next year,” to turn into NEVER?

How long will you hold yourself back?

How long will you allow fear and self doubt to keep you stuck in a place you don’t want to be, and away from the place you want to be?

How long will you sit on the sidelines and watch others pursue their dreams?

How long will you say you can’t? “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.” ~Henry Ford

How long will you say it will take too long? “Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.” ~ Earl Nightingale

It’s up to you to conquer your fears and quiet the self doubt in your mind.

Yes, you could fail. But, you also could succeed. Or, you can learn from it and try again.

It’s NEVER too late to start!

What ONE THING can you do TODAY to move a step closer towards your dream, or a desire you have?

Have a blessed day and remember to find the “jolly” in every “moment” life brings your way!

~ Keishawna

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Are You Traveling on the Right Road?

I saw this quote recently and it really challenged me. I’ve been running a lot lately and I’m tired. It’s time I stop and evaluate this road I’m on.

Don’t exhaust yourself running on a path that’s not yours to follow. The road may be great for someone else, but it doesn’t mean it’s right for you.

If you find yourself on the wrong road, GET OFF.

I know starting over can be scary. But, I’d rather you start over than spin your wheels going nowhere.

Have a blessed day and remember to find the “jolly” in every “moment” life brings your way!

~ Keishawna

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It Could All Be So Simple

Lauryn Hill’s song Ex-Factor starts off by saying “it could all be so simple, but you’d rather make it hard“. The song is referring to a relationship, but I wonder how many other things in our life are simple that we’re making hard.

I remember one time I was hired for a position and based on the interview I had an expectation that I would be doing a specific thing. However, my manager, who did not participate in the hiring process, had me doing something different. I was frustrated and stressed out about it. Several people suggested that I simply talk to my manager, but I would always talk myself out of doing it.

Finally, when I couldn’t take it anymore, I, in much nicer words, asked my manager at what point could I start doing what I expected. Her answer was simple. She said, “starting today”. It was all a simple misunderstanding.

On today, I challenge you to recognize that some things and situations are not as complicated as we’re making it out to be.

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Thy Will Be Done….

For as long as I can remember, my mother has always said, “God didn’t promise that all our days would be easy”.

I believe her.

I know it’s true.

I know all things will work together for my good in the end (Romans 8:28).

What I don’t believe is that I always have to like what’s happening. Some things are painful to go through. Some things don’t make sense. It doesn’t mean I don’t trust God. It just means I’m human and it hurts!

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Why Settle for Good, When You Can Have Best!


I recently heard a story that I believe may bless some of you.

On the day of the final exam, the professor gave every student the option of receiving a “C” on the exam without taking it. More than half the class accepted the “C” and left. The professor passed out the exam to those who remained. Before he allowed them to turn the exam over, he encouraged them and told them they would do great things in life. When the students turned the exam over, it had two sentences: Congratulations! You made an “A”!

What would you have done in that situation? What do you believe about yourself today? Do you belief you are worth a “C” because an “A” seems impossible, or out of your reach?

I challenge you to raise your expectations for what you will do. Raise your expectations for what you can have.

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Follow the Path That Leads to Your Peace


Years ago while searching for my first home, I found what I felt was the perfect house. When the time came to put down money, I backed out. Why? I did not have any peace.

If you do not have peace about that relationship, job opportunity, marriage, purchase, move, divorce, or whatever decision you are about to make, DON’T DO IT! WAIT!

TRUST your instincts. TRUST what God is speaking to you about that situation. It may not make sense now, but TRUST that He knows what is best.

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It’s Time to Focus on the Battle Within Me


“Sometimes I need to focus on the battle God wants to win in me more than the battle I want Him to win for me”. ~Steven Furtick

Often times we want so badly for God to deal with a certain person, or situation, that we lose sight of the work He’s trying to do on the inside of us.

Sometimes the battle we really need to win has nothing to do with the other person, but has everything to do with us.

I challenge you to shift your focus this week. Instead of focusing on what needs to change in the other person, focus on what needs to change in you!

Have a blessed day!

~ Keishawna

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How To Maintain Peace When Dealing With Difficult People: Part One – Do All YOU Can Do


 If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.

There have only been a few people in my lifetime, I felt I could do without. I quoted Romans 12:18 as my justification to not deal with them. I told the Lord, “you said IF it be possible, and with this person it’s just not possible“.

It wasn’t until today that I realized I skipped over, whether intentionally or unintentionally, a critical piece of that scripture – as much as lieth in YOU!

Another translation reads, Do all that YOU can to live in peace with everyone. Another version reads, If it is possible, as much as depends on YOU, live peaceably with all men.
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