It’s A Matter of Trust!


TRUST in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5

When most people drive across a bridge, they do so without thinking about whether or not the bridge will support them. They just intuitively trust that it will.
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Comparison: The Thief of Joy

As I grow physically and spiritually, I learn to accept who I am, appreciate what I have, grow where I am in life, and love how God made me. However, it is a process and at times, I am still tempted to compare.

“Comparison is the thief of joy” (Theodore Roosevelt)

The quote by Theodore Roosevelt sums up so well the danger or down side of comparison – it can steal your joy!

Comparison will cause you to overestimate/over value what someone else has and underestimate/devalue what you have or vice versa. You will miss the blessing and beauty of today if you are comparing yourself to someone else.

Just because someone has something you do not have or is different from you, it does not make him or her better than or more blessed than you are. It just makes them different. Our differences are what make us unique.

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