Life in Retrospect

A close friend and I met for coffee this morning. At the last minute we found out where we wanted to go opened too late. So, we decided to try Retrospect Coffee Bar.

It’s funny how things happen sometimes. Although it wasn’t our intended location, the name itself made us reflect on things we’ve wanted to do and talked about doing, but had not done.

The reasons we hadn’t pursued those things didn’t matter because what we realized in retrospect is that all those past decisions that may not have made complete sense prepared us for where we are today in a position to pursue that which we’ve longed to do.

No time was wasted. It was all part of our process.

“You do not wake up and become the butterfly – growth is a process” ~Rupi Kaur

Keep growing and trust YOUR process!

Share with someone who may need to know it’s not over for them. They are just a work in progress. KEEP MOVING FORWARD!

Have a blessed day and remember to find the “jolly” in “moments” life brings your way!

~ Keishawna

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What Would You Do If You Knew You Could Not Fail?

2019 is halfway over and I have one question for you. What would you do if you knew you could not fail?

Here are 10 quotes to motivate you to achieve your dream:

  • “In the end… We only regret the chances we didn’t take, the relationships we were afraid to have, and the decisions we waited too long to make.” ~Lewis Carrol
  • “Do not wait: the time will never be ‘just right’. Start where you stand, and work whatever tools you may have at your command and better tools will be found as you go along.” ~Napoleon Hill
  • “I’d rather regret the risks that didn’t work out than the chances I didn’t take at all.” ~Simone Biles
  • “Life will only change when you become more committed to your dreams than you are to your comfort zone.” ~Billy Cox
  • “Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.” ~Earl Nightingale
  • “Don’t fear failure. Fear being in the exact same place next year as you are today.” ~Unknown
  • “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” ~Nelson Mandela
  • “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.” ~Henry Ford
  • “Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.” ~George Addair
  • “The future depends on what you do today.” ~Mahatma Gandhi

Have a blessed day and remember to find the “jolly” in every “moment” life brings your way!

~ Keishawna

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“What You Do Today Can Improve All Your Tomorrows”

It’s Sunday.

Some people think of this day as the beginning of the week and for some it’s the end.

No matter how you look at it, this is a new day. What will you do with it?

Today’s challenge:

1. Reflect on your past dreams and goals.
2. Choose one that you are not actively pursuing.
3. List of all the reasons why it cannot work.
4. Throw the list away.
5. Write down the ONE reason why it can work. Believe it!
6. Make one step (no matter how small) towards accomplishing the goal or dream you chose.
7. Repeat these steps as needed.

That’s it. Seven simple steps that can change the direction of your life.

You can continue to allow F.E.A.R. or False Evidence Appearing Real to stop you…..

Or, you can overcome F.E.A.R. and Forget Everything And Run towards your goal or dream.

Stop focusing on the problems, and focus on the possibilities!!

What you do today can improve all your tomorrows. Ralph Marston

What will you do with this day?

Have a blessed day and remember to find the “jolly” in every “moment” life brings your way!

~ Keishawna

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You Made the Decision, Now Move On

A few years back my husband and I had to make a difficult decision regarding the care of someone very close to us. After we settled on what we felt was the best decision, we later wondered if we did the right thing.

During that time, someone told us, “never beat yourself up for making a decision that at the time you felt was the best decision”.

I sometimes repeat those words to reassure myself when doubt tries to creep in.

There were decisions I made even this past week that I later questioned. But, I told myself I made the best decision with the information I had in that moment.

After that, all I can do is trust God’s word that says, “ALL things work together for good to them that love God” Romans 8:28.

I can honestly say any decision I initially questioned, worked out on my behalf in the long run. Maybe not always the way I thought it would, but it worked out.

If you are beating yourself up over a decision you made, STOP!

It’s done.

Time to move on.

If it’s in your power to change the outcome, then do so. If not, focus your efforts, time and energy on what you can control. Trust God to handle the rest.

Have a blessed day and remember to find the “jolly” in every “moment” life brings your way!

~ Keishawna

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“Every Moment Is A Fresh Beginning”

There have been moments I have said I can’t wait until the day is over, or I can’t wait until after a certain time period has passed so that I don’t have to deal with a particular situation or person.

As I was driving the other day, I saw a billboard with the T.S. Eliot quote,

Every moment is a fresh beginning”

I paused and thought, EVERY… not some… not a few… but EVERY moment.

That’s when I was reminded that I don’t have to wait until the next day to have a fresh start. I don’t have to wait until next year, or until I leave the job, or until I move, or whatever, for a fresh beginning.

My FRESH BEGINNING can start right NOW. It starts in my attitude and thinking.

It starts with me saying that I’m not going to allow a situation or person to dictate my mood, the way I feel, or my outcome.

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% percent how you respond to it. ~Charles R. Swindoll

Whatever happened, happened. I can’t rewind time and change what happened the past year, past month, past week, past day, or past hour.

BUT, I can change my response to what’s happening.

Today, CHOOSE to respond and react differently to what’s happening in your life.

When something crazy happens,

  • Take a deep breath
  • Think before you respond or react
  • Remember that EVERY MOMENT (which can literally mean the next minute or next second) is an opportunity for a NEW BEGINNING.

Have a blessed day and remember to find the “jolly” in every “moment” life brings your way!

~ Keishawna

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Are You Brave Enough to Say Goodbye?

Have you ever stayed at a job, in a relationship, or in a situation longer than you should have?

Sometimes we stay out of fear of failure, fear of the unknown, false loyalty, false obligation, guilt, pride, or you name it.

I feel about twenty pounds lighter physically, mentally and emotionally because I finally let go of something I needed to say GOODBYE to a long time ago.

The thing I held on to was not necessarily bad, but it wasn’t good for my life at this time.

Sometimes the thing God has for us is being held back because we won’t move some things out of our lives.

When we are brave enough to say GOODBYE, life greets us with a new HELLO! ~Paulo Coelho

You will never know what’s waiting on the other side until you say GOODBYE to some people, places and things.

For me, on the other side of GOODBYE was peace, joy, more time with my family and more time for some things I know God has called me to do.

If you are holding on to something you know in your heart that you need to let go of, I pray that you find the strength and the courage to say GOODBYE and walk away!

Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase. ~ Martin Luther King Jr.

What “HELLO” is waiting for you to have the faith to finally say “GOODBYE“?

Have a blessed day and remember to find the “jolly” in every “moment” life brings your way!

~ Keishawna

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“I Would Rather Try and Fail Than Fail to Try”

I know of a lady who for 29 years, said she was going to pursue a dream. Finally, right before the 30th year she found the courage to do it.

It didn’t turn out as big as she had imagined, but I’m proud of her that she finally did it.

What have you thought about doing, but have not done?

How long will you allow “This year,” to turn into “Next year,” to turn into NEVER?

How long will you hold yourself back?

How long will you allow fear and self doubt to keep you stuck in a place you don’t want to be, and away from the place you want to be?

How long will you sit on the sidelines and watch others pursue their dreams?

How long will you say you can’t? “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.” ~Henry Ford

How long will you say it will take too long? “Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.” ~ Earl Nightingale

It’s up to you to conquer your fears and quiet the self doubt in your mind.

Yes, you could fail. But, you also could succeed. Or, you can learn from it and try again.

It’s NEVER too late to start!

What ONE THING can you do TODAY to move a step closer towards your dream, or a desire you have?

Have a blessed day and remember to find the “jolly” in every “moment” life brings your way!

~ Keishawna

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I woke up in the middle of the night second guessing a decision I made.

All the “what ifs” and “what will they say” raced through my mind.

After a few hours of stressing, I realized there are times when you must TRUST you heard from God regarding the decision you made, even if it doesn’t make sense to others.

At the end of the day, you have to live with your decision.

Everyone will not understand, but they don’t have to.

It’s your life.

Live it!

Have a blessed day and remember to find the “jolly” in every “moment” life brings your way!

~ Keishawna

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Are You Traveling on the Right Road?

I saw this quote recently and it really challenged me. I’ve been running a lot lately and I’m tired. It’s time I stop and evaluate this road I’m on.

Don’t exhaust yourself running on a path that’s not yours to follow. The road may be great for someone else, but it doesn’t mean it’s right for you.

If you find yourself on the wrong road, GET OFF.

I know starting over can be scary. But, I’d rather you start over than spin your wheels going nowhere.

Have a blessed day and remember to find the “jolly” in every “moment” life brings your way!

~ Keishawna

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Just Breathe…

Breathe, rest

Some days the best thing you can do is focus on the tasks at hand for that day.

If you are a planner like myself, your natural reaction is to think about what you have to do today, tomorrow, next week and even three months from now. Some days that will result in more stress than peace.

If this is one of those days where you feel stretched to your limit, take a moment to stop and just Breathe.

Stop replaying in your mind the worst thing that could happen. Breathe!

Stop thinking about how everything might fall apart. Breathe!

When chaos calls, don’t answer. Breathe!

Inhale the peace of God and exhale the stress, worries, and cares. Breathe!

At the end of the day, some things are outside of your control.

Control what you can on today, give the rest to God and rest! Breathe!

Have a blessed day and remember to find the “jolly” in every “moment” life brings your way!

~ Keishawna

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